Housing Showcase Update: Sultan’s Bazaar.

Thanks to all the support and positive reviews people have given about the bazaar the Sultan and staff have worked together to provide some much needed improvements. Why these weren’t here before is a riddle for the ages.

First up is the introduction of some outhouses, two to be precise. Now you can go in peace.

And next up are a multitude of magic trash cans. What’s so magical about them? Well after a certain amount of time has passed all the trash just magically poofs away.

Also, it seems some of the local birds decided to check out some of the stalls out of curiosity. Hopefully we won’t get too many reports of birds stealing items such as food and newspaper clippings. We ask that you try to refrain from feeding the birds lest they decide to cause more trouble for our vendors and staff than they already have to deal with. Thank you.

Next up I’m proud to announce that thanks to everyone’s efforts a new shop has opened up. The shopkeepers are understandably nervous seeing as how they just opened, so please be patient with them while they get into the swing of things. What wares will they be selling? Come on by to find out.

In less pleasant news it seems a few mosquitos have shown up, no doubt attracted by the trash and food. Hopefully they won’t prove to be too big of a nuisance but we’ll keep our eyes on them nonetheless.

Finally to address some recent incidents of people picking fights in a certain area of the forest and going missing and/or coming back injured we’ve put up a wall to hopefully deter them. We must ask again to please avoid going into the forest without supervision, as we can’t guarantee your safety otherwise.

As always thank you for your continued patronage. See you again soon.

Creation Process

The outhouses and trash cans were the first major new additions to the house. I figured since there’s multiple stalls with food and drinks that it’d only make sense to finally add some trash cans around the place. Ironwork Trash Can is what I used in combination with castle magic for obvious reasons, and after that it was just a matter of finding good places to put them.

The outhouses were a little trickier, but I ended up using 2 Guardhouses as the base since they have a similar shape to outhouses. Next was the door, which Tiny Arched Door is perfect for. Getting it in the right position with Advanced Move was the tricky part since moving them too far in prevents clicking on them again but I think I managed well…at least I did before I came back later and found that they somehow moved positions on me, so I had to do the process all over again. I don’t know why this bug is here (one which at the time of this writing hasn’t been fixed yet) but it’s very annoying when it does show up (yes it’s random if it shows up or not), so if you see them in different places on different visits that’s why.

While there is a Wooden Outhouse already in the game, not only did I just think of it today but even if I hadn’t it’s a no auction Crowns only item, something that’s not the case in Pirate101, meaning I’d have to either farm Great Sky Train Robbery packs or M. Bison tier 1.

Also before you ask no, the doors being flipped wasn’t intentional on my part and was something I only noticed afterwards. It’s just a minor thing though and not something I plan on changing.

Regarding the birds it was an idea I’d had for a while, and I have the Flying Monkey Brightwing skin from Heroes of the Storm to thank for it. I decided to use the 3 sunbird variants I already had in the house and use them as birds flying around the various stalls. I did have to remove some trees to place more BCs due to the item cap but it was a small price to pay. Something else I did was have the birds occasionally rest on some of the tents they fly to while also curiously checking out the stall below like a normal bird would. Finally all the new BCs allow branching between each other so it’s more likely for the birds to take different paths to them & helps prevent overlapping.

Finally onto the newest additions (at the time of this post) to the house. I wanted to add more stuff to the house so I bit the bullet and bought a Bric-a-Brac Elixir to do so. While doing so and while clearing out my attic I found a Posh Tent and decided to use that as a new shop, which also gave me an excuse to add new BC paths for the HGs to use and get new people to man it. Due to the size I had to put it at there’s not much I can do for the inside, so to compensate I placed 2 BCs down at the entrance to simulate entering/exiting the tent.

Speaking of entering/exiting I now have BCs for the outhouses alongside additional paths near the forest area. I figured since I was already adding more BCs I might as well add some for them too.

As for the mosquitos I used a Firefly and Lightning Bug and shrunk them down to 25% of their normal size to represent them. I also put them near places of food and water & let them roam free for added realism. Side note: the game gets very finnicky with items that small so you may have to go into attic menu, pick them up and place them down again if you want to adjust them. Hopefully KI makes it so this isn’t the case but in case they don’t you’ve been warned.

As for the wall (a size increased Broken Wall Segment) since I needed someplace to place my new BCs at I used the space behind it & then used it to block it off, later deciding to work it into the house lore. It’s not a perfect fix, & you can still see behind it via the hill but it’s the best I can do. Speaking of BCs I adjusted the timers on some of them so they’ll spend a longer amount of time around the shops.


I hope you enjoy these new additions to the bazaar. You can find it on Castle Tours under Decorated.

Sultan’s Bazaar Overview

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